About Blue Tiger Publishing:
An independent publisher, this site only publishes work for the creative writer, R.j. hOylE.
About R.j. hOylE:
Born during a full eclipse in 1925, 1948, 1982, and 2003, R.j. hOylE came back and forth into this world as an amalgam of one soul or another.
Never one to tread lightly on the planes of reality, hOylE spends time mostly in the ether collecting inspiration and tidbits that have fallen from sad stars and cranky angles. The Muses tend to slip in and out of consciousness and often forget to share their largesse, so hOylE takes great pains to nudge them awake whenever their limp forms collapse nearby.
Much obliged!
"It's in the eyes and heart of every writer to create what the hand can't see."
-- R.j. hOylE
Current Work:
Corn Cover
Corn: A man, a ranch, and one day, nothing goes right.
Availability: FREE!
End of Rainbow Cover
End of the Rainbow: Everything is normal, or is it? Why does Clay need a rainbow or does he?
Availability: For Sale
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Short Shorts Cover
Short Short Stories: A small collection of short short stories.
500 words or less.
Availability: FREE!
Jack Russell in Plaid Cover
A Jack Russell in Plaid: A small ode to David Sedaris.
Availability: FREE!
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